Usually when I notice the flowers or when birds get my attention, they remind me to contemplate the lilies of the field and the birds of the air and to recognize once again how God cares for them even when they do nothing. This has happened frequently in unusual ways through the years. Did you ever have a bird peck on your window when you were trying to write a eulogy for someone very close to you? Do you ever notice a bird touching down on your windshield, ever so lightly, as you drive to ministry or home again? In these moments God’s message to me is usually the same—do not worry, do all for God’s glory and God will take care of the rest.
When we pray together
in community, we often use the
Canticle of Daniel, which invites not only the birds but all of creation,
including ourselves, to give praise and glory to God. A few verses get my
special attention:
the birds of the air, animals wild and tame,
together with all living creatures
praise and exalt God above all forever.
After more reflection on my experience with the red bird singing on the wires, I believe God is inviting me to notice more readily how the birds, animals and all living creatures give praise and glory to God. I am invited anew to join in the celebration!
At the conclusion of his recent Encyclical, Laudato Si, Pope Francis proposes two prayers that invite us to commit ourselves to all of creation. I feel genuine resonance with the line from the Christian prayer: “Give us the grace to feel profoundly joined to everything that is.” It echoes the melody in my heart.
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