Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Passion to Serve God's Children

The mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph: “We live and work that all people may be united with God and with one another,” has been a hallmark statement for my vocation as a Sister of Saint Joseph. It is a blessing for me to be involved in the ministry of Catholic education in elementary school. As a Sister of Saint Joseph, I am happy to share “the joy of my vocation” with the children, faculty, staff, and parents I meet each day. 
I have had numerous opportunities as a teacher, principal and Regional Director of Elementary Schools to minister to many children and adults in Catholic education. It is important for me to note that the witness and role modeling of Catholic teachers have humbled me over the years. Their love, compassion and prayerfulness reveal God’s life within them and their desire to share His life with the children they meet. Parents acknowledge that the support received from the school community deepens their trust in the school community and affirms their choice to send their child to a Catholic school. The children are just that - children. From the youngest kindergartner to the oldest eighth grader, they enjoy life, fun, and learning. All children want to be treated with respect and fairness and they know “to get respect, give respect.”
I have been involved in education for the past 40+ years. In recent years, it is a justice issue that each child receives a quality Catholic education that parents sacrifice financially for them to receive. Being a lifelong learner models for teachers that there is so much to know, to learn as we educate children for the 21st century.

It is important to keep alive the mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in educating and forming children to pray daily, to serve others and to understand the meaning of “justice for all.” Programs, projects, etc., involve the faculty and children to be aware of the needs of others beyond the school community. It has always been my practice, as a leader, to lead by example, to collaborate and to delegate responsibilities. I have learned over the years that, together, we can do so much as a community. 
A passion to serve God’s children each day with love, compassion, energy and creativity drives my daily experiences. Each day I pray for wisdom, integrity and courage to be who God has called me to be “in any and all situations.”

Theresa Maugle SSJ
Sister Theresa has spent over 40 years in Educational Ministry. At present, she serves as the Principal of St. Genevieve School in Flourtown, Pennsylvania, a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.

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